Let�s meet SP7VC
This call sign has been logged in recent
years by many DX-hunters and contesters. Most of the times, it is preceded by
another prefix. The owner of this call sign is a 45-year old ham radio fanatic
nicknamed Przemek, which he shortens, for practical reasons, to Mek. He lives
in the very center of Poland, in a medium-size town called Ł�dź.
However, I have met him in many places but in his home town.

at the controls of SP7GIQ in 2000
Przemek�s station at home is rather modest
so he is a true roving operator. If you can�t have large antennas at home, then
you have to go to where they are. I met Przemek for the first time in 2000 at
the station of SP7GIQ, not far from his home town. He was already a seasoned
low-bands operator and assisted Chris, SP7GIQ with antenna work.
Next time we met it was during the CQ WW
Contest at SP2FAX in October 2002. Przemek took care of the 160 meter position
in this Multi-Multi set-up. We had bad luck with both the weather and the
propagation, but it was fun working together.

SP7VC (right) with Tom, SP6T the coordinator of the SN0HQ Team, during 2003
Annual Meeting of the SP DX Club
A year later, during the annual meeting of
the SP DX Club near Warszawa I saw SP7VC again. At this time he was travelling
all over the country on business and combined this with radio activity. He
managed to be on the air from almost all squares in Poland. The equipment he
has gathered under his 20 years of Amateur Radio passion allows operation on
all ham bands from 1.8 MHz to 241 GHz. Some of his favourites modes are Meteor
Scatter on 144 MHz and Rain Scatter on 5.7 GHz and 10 GHz.
In 2004 Przemek joined some members of the
SP5ZCC Club who went to Luxembourg for an HF contest. He liked it so much that
next year he went to Africa. During the WRTC2006 he joined the SP Team and
visited Brazil and the neighbouring countries. A year later he explored the
propagation of Scandinavia. In 2008 he went twice to the West Indies. Many of
these trips were synchronised with major HF contests. Details of SP7VC�s
activities, well illustrated by hundreds of pictures, are to be found on
Przemek�s website www.sp7vc.pl
His first contact with Amateur Radio was at
the age of 12. His neighbour was SP7APL who let him get acquainted with the
talking black boxes. Some ten years later Przemek got himself on the air,
initially on 27 MHz. He passed the licence test in 1991 and received the call
sign SP7VCK. Very soon he had several antennas at home and would spend many
hours on air. His contest results improved steadily and in 1998 he placed
number 1 in the World on 160 meters in the ARRL SSB DX Competiton.

watching the 160 meter band during CQ WW 2002 at SP2FAX (SO2R)

in �land Islands during the CQ WW 2007

visiting the OH0JFP site in 2007in �land Islands

in 2007 visiting the site of OH0Z in �land Islands

visiting SP7JSG, who is a microwave enthusiast
As I guess, Przemek, SP7VC is going to be
even more active in the near future so this brief presentation gives a glimpse
of who�s behind those contest exchanges.

Henryk Kotowski, SM0JHF
Feb 2, 2011