Reflections on the ~2005~ CQWWW Contest
Doug Grant, K1DG
October 27, 2021
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Well, it's over now. I can look back over
the last 48 hours and put a few thoughts
down while they're fresh in my mind. It
appears I've just won the 2005 CQWWW. I felt
pretty good all weekend and knew I had a
good shot at it. The screen was filling up
smoothly all weekend and there didn't
seem to be too many times when I wasn't
making contacts, er, connections. It reminds
me of the old days, especially when we had
high sunspot counts to help the signals go
from antenna to antenna. Now, of course, all
that has changed.
Back at the turn of the millennium, when all
electromagnetic emissive modes were declared
obsolete for purposes other than radar and
satellite links by International
Communications Minister Nicholas Negroponte,
contesting officially turned completely to
the wired medium. This completed the
Negropontization of society. For those of
you who may have forgotten, when Negroponte
was at the MIT Media Lab back in the
1980s, he predicted that a "flip" was
coming, where all communications then
carried on wires would go wireless, and all
wireless communications would become wired.
He cited TV, which had made the wireless-to-
wired flip, and telephones, which had gone
from wired to wireless. Of all the
communications services known, amateur radio
had been the last holdout to go completely
wired. Nearly all the hams were off the air
and on the wire by the time the government
mandated the end of wireless, except for
a few fossilized holdouts on 80M CW and
14313. These last few were
hunted down and are now in prison, I think.
Anyway, since the late 90s, most of the
interesting contests have taken place on the
wire. From 4-hour trial events on the mid-
90s Internet to full blown 48-hour marathons
like the CQWWW on the now fully
hampopulated WorldWide Web (which CQ
Magazine purchased several years ago...),
there is now a contest almost every weekend.
The casual operators complain about the
slowdown in Web traffic when there's a
contest on, but they can always go to
another service like AOL or go watch
Applevision on cable. Nobody says they have
to get on the Web that weekend.
The first few wired contests were chaotic
affairs, with some people new to the mode
calling out of turn continuously and jamming
the streams. I remember one contest, where
some guy (I think he was in southern
Europia) screwed up his protocol stack with
careless editing and locked up one stream on
the NSF backbone for the whole 48 hours
transmitting and never receiving. Even
though the transmission speed limit in his
country was 300 kb/s, he had to be running
at least 10Mb/s to tie up the whole link
like that.
As software and operating skills improved, a
whole lot of tricks emerged. Some teams in
what used to be Oregon and Slovenia
conducted experiments in completely-
automated operation, but when these multi-
site internetworked systems took over the
whole net, they were outlawed. Now
human presence is required on at least one
keyboard of a station.
My own station is pretty modest, but I know
how to get the most out of it. I have three
machines here, two for connections, and one
for spotting. The two connection machines
are IBMwoods, and the spotting machine is my
the spotting machine is my trusty old
ICOMBell. I got it at Dayton a couple of
years ago, and it's slow but does the job.
I've put in all the mods from the NWCJ
(National Wired Contest Journal) articles
and a few of my own.
Outside, I have a bit of a problem. My
location puts me at a disadvantage. Out here
in sector NE01 (which used to be called New
Hampshire), we seem to be on the trailing
edge of connection technology installation.
We just got fiber-to-the-home two years ago,
and the links to the nearest major backbone
are two switches away. Guys a bit closer to
the coast and further south have a big
advantage - probably 20 microseconds of
transfer latency. That can mean the
difference between connecting to a new
multiplier immediately or waiting in queue
for an hour while he clears the stack. The
West Coast guys in Silicon Valley have a
bigger advantage, with their access to all
the latest efficient network equipment. Rumor has it that in the last contest,
some of them were using some new commercial meta-
neural-commware from giant TGV Corporation.
It isn't strictly against the rules, and we
hams have always been encouraged to
experiment, but blatant use of expensive
commercial software like that seems to
violate the spirit of the rules to me. I
guess I'm just too much of a traditionalist.
Anyway, I've learned to compensate for my
station's shortcomings here in the Black
Hole of communications by operating tricks.
Now that we don't have to worry about
ionospheric propagation, the trick is
finding optimum network propagation. Like
the old days, you have to also make sure you
hit the population centers at times when
most of the machines are likely to
be on, usually daylight and early evening
hours. There's always a lull in
activity when the environmental danger
report is broadcast (every morning at 0700
local), so people know what to wear for the
day (whether people will need their
ultraviolet-protection shields, for
Here's how it went this weekend. When the
contest started, the ARRL and CQ subnets of
the Web backbone were jammed as usual. Even
though people were trying to run at 10Mb/s,
all the collisions held everyone's rate
down. I worked around the big mess, going
instead to a small switch I found when
cruising the Web a few weeks ago. Even
though it's just a 1 Mb/s node, it's
virtually vacant, and has access to a
satellite shot out to the Far East. I got
in, looked around, and there were no other
contesters connected, just a couple of old
timers talking about the weather on the
switch - a local QSO. They were going pretty
slow, like most bit-chewers, and I could
multiplex at 90% share right into them. They
didn't even notice me passing through. I had
the node essentially to myself. I tickled
the satellite port and woke it up. I set
myself as the primary user, and started
looking for downlink receptors. I found the
node I wanted in sector AS-25A (a small
suburb outside what used to be called
Tokyo). I synced up quickly and set to work.
First, a broadcast to all local logins
announcing my presence and availability for
connects. I then quickly downloaded my
own home-brew compression protocol to the
common area, and routed all return
connections to me through the compressor.
The node sprang to life just as the enviro
report was ending. Four thousand users got
my solicitation and decided to give me a
quick connection. The returns starting going
to disk immediately, with the decompressor
running at my end in spare cycles. I
chuckled to myself as I noticed the first
few decompressions - all the files began
with the traditional "59925" sync header.
Just like the old days.
The connection hang in pretty well for about
two hours, then I guess the sun got higher
in the sky in '25A and users went about
their recreations for the day. The rate
dropped and I knew it was time to change to
a different node. Before leaving, I planted
a bug in the node that identified all
contest file exchanges and inflated their
sizes. I call it "defensive contesting".
It's not against the rules yet, so it's OK
for now, but there's talk in InterCongress
about having the practice banned. Then I
guess I'll have to find another trick. But
it's getting harder to be creative since the
logs are so closely checked now. With the
return of prize money, I guess it was
inevitable that checking would get more
Anyway, back to the contest. The ICOMBell
checked the spotting nets and the WWV (World
Weather Vote) numbers. Looked like the
environment was going to be in pretty good
shape in the major population areas, so
people would be going outside a lot. Most
metros were planning cool temperatures, by
popular enviro-vote, so few people would be
lounging around the pool with their
portables handing out connections. Darn.
This was shaping up to be a night-time
weekend. I prefer the weekends with round-
the-clock activity to keep the rates up.
Last year, for example, I made over 95,000
connections with over 96% file integrity. It
was great - almost broke the 100K barrier.
But it looked like the conditions
this year would hold down the totals to 80K
or less, despite the newer
software and better net access available.
As I cruised the nodes on the lower-speed
subnets looking for multipliers, the rate
slowed down a bit. Found a full node in East
Carribea, and picked up all the easy ones
down there. Even found the Bonaire
Expedition team there - those guys are a
guaranteed 6-node connection every year. And
this time, they asked me to go to two
additional nodes. I was glad to oblige,
since this sector has gotten rare. Most
serious competitors have relocated to
physical coordinates with better net access.
I'm one of the few serious ops left in NE01,
struggling with our poor net access...
As time wore on, I noticed that I was
actually ahead of the connection total I had
at the same point last year. The rate meter
was hanging up there at a brisk 3500/hour
pace. I popped the auto-scan routines up,
and settled for a short nap so I'd be ready
for the net speed peaks around sunrise in
Europia. I had all the low-speed subnet
nodes lined up for my announce burst, which
would be inserted in the high-speed queue
right after the enviro-report.
While I slept, the machines relentlessly
scanned the low-speed subnets, trying all
loggable nodes, and posting announcements of
when we'd be back for more connections. This
trick was a little mod I'd installed in the
stock Microsoft Contest software. Like all
mods, it had to be approved by the Contest
Software Council. This was a consequence of
the time a few years back when some newbie
popped a loop into one of the calling
routines and got stuck in a sending sequence
on some image-transmission subnet. Those
image guys hate it when a contester lands on
*their* net. Unauthorized mods are now
illegal. I sort of liked it the old-
fashioned way, since now the nets are
crowded with these appliance ops who just
use the software as it comes. If they have
good access and a hot machine, they can
sometimes post pretty good scores. But I
like it when I out-operate these guys with
my lousy access and old machines by out-
operating them with my own software tricks.
When I woke up, I knew immediately there was
a problem. The screen on the left machine
showed a smoke icon on it. The machine on
the right was still OK, so I tapped a few
keys to acknowledge human presence, let it
run, and set about fixing the left machine.
After a few minutes of diagnostic routines,
I found the problem. The machine was OK. It
had been fooled into thinking it was out of
sync when it began a connection with a
station on one high-speed net, and found the
machine on the right was connecting to the
same station on another high-speed net!
Since simul-connects were no longer
permitted (the rules clearly state that only
one symbol may be transmitted in any one 100
nanosecond period unless the second
transmission is a new multiplier and must be
connected at a lower speed), the machine
concluded that the internal clocks had gone
out of sync. Stuff like this happens when
guys bend the rules on the other end. I
documented the incident and sent it off to
the Judges on the spotting machine,
including the time/net/file and timing
traceability. I also asked for and received
permission to disable the timing-sync-hang
feature, since there were probably other
rule-benders on the net. All this
only took a few minutes, but the rate was
down in the 800-900 range, so I
didn't lose too much time. Good thing this
didn't happen at peak rate time! And the
offending simul-connect guy will be warned.
If he does it again, he'll go to jail.
Next the spotting machine came to life with
a live feed from the Moscopolis main node.
The enviro-report was just wrapping up.
Bang! There I was, with my solicitation
announcement, with protocol and modes in the
clear before all hell broke loose. A perfect
tail-end, just like the old days! The screen
went wild with file exchanges. Sometimes the
subnet would jam, and I'd have to hop to
another - fortunately I had a list of
machine-level node addresses so I could
transfer to another switch in native mode,
not the slower top-level mode that the
newbies used. I always got there first. A
big part of the technique in this game was
knowing when to move to another node and
when to keep on the same one. As long as you
had primary status and the node wasn't too
heavily multiplexed, you could cruise along.
As the sun rose across Europia, I had my
nodes all staked out. The same scenario was
played out over and over. In some time
zones, my tailend announced a later time and
port for connections, since I couldn't
handle more than two streams with my limited
access. Knowing which ones would have the
right combination of activity and low
congestion was the way to go. I always went
for node in the higher latitudes first,
since the lower latitude dwellers would
likely be indoors most of the day due to the
solar radiation dangers. I could get those
guys later when the traffic thinned out. But
there were always the macho guys who wanted
to hold primary status on these nodes as
long as they could, using their high-speed
access ports and soliciting continuously. I
prefer the nets with clearer channels, and
sometimes set myself with a higher position
in the user list to attract the casual
operator who doesn't want to slog through
the re-tries at the node-edge (as we call
the primary user ports).
Things went well all day long. As I'd
guessed, there was enough activity in
Northern Europia to keep the rate up with
hardly any re-tries. Lots of good sectors
called in, including some night-owl Asians
through some kind of worm-hole path.
Openings like that are really cool. The rate
meter stayed well over 4000 for most of the
shared daylight hours. The local access
switch here in NE01 has pretty reliable
links to the Euronet most of the
time. As long as I get there first, I can
usually win the contest with this
As darkness fell across Europia, I sent the
left machine to scan the Africano network.
Still not much rate available there, but
there sure are a lot of multipliers. I
called up one of my routines to look for
low-density traffic, and found a group of
missionaries chatting. Several rare sectors
were there, and I multiplexed into their
stream. After a few seconds to make sure I
hadn't been detected by any of my
competition, I announced my presence and
requested file exchanges. The missionaries
were cooperative, and asked what kind of
files I needed for a valid exchange. I
explained the requirements, and one by one,
they began connecting and transferring data
to me. One guy sent a file too small to
qualify as an exchange, so I had him send it
twice to make the minimum size. Then I
asked the whole group for connections on
another node, then another, and another. By
the time I got to the fourth node, most of
them had run out of files (after all, these
guys were just casual ops), and the
competition had found them and the nodes
were getting crowded. But I had scored big
time here, and thanked all of them actually,
I sent a broadcast thank-you to all
connected stations in several protocols,
included the inflated one, just to slow down
the other guys...), and I was on my way.
A quick spin of the high-speed pipes to
Carribia and Oceania, and I had a full slate
of multipliers. Then it was back to the
Asian nodes as they came back to life. I hit
the same node I had plundered the first
night, and ran it dry. I hopped around the
other nodes in the sector, trying to
maximize the rate while maintaining file
When I finally looked over at the spotting
machine, I saw that I was ahead of the pack
after the first 24 hours. I only had a few
thousand more connections (at 63,000) and
about a hundred more multipliers more than
the next guy. Modest leads like that can
evaporate quickly, but my file integrity
spec was at 99.8%, while nobody else was
over 96%! I guess all that time I spent at
the machine-code level optimizing the error-
retry-timing loops for compressed-mode files
was worth it. Most guys just give
up and accept a corrupted file and let the
Judges worry about it. Not me.
Not since I lost the '02 contest by having
500 connections thrown out for checksum
violations in the decompressed files. Back
then, I threw out the real-time checking and
let the decompressor run at the submission
level like most guys. I just submitted
whatever the machine copied. And I paid
for it big time that year. Some guys have
been known to decompress all files after the
contest and check for errors after the
contest is over. One guy even interleaved
the checking/correction process with a low-
rate submission! As long as he could locate
the errors before his submission stream got
to that point in the log, he could fix it.
His integrity rates were always pretty high,
but everyone knew what he was doing.
Eventually they'll make a rule about that.
Anyway, my submission is at high-speed,
so everyone knows I'm getting the files
right in real-connection-time.
So on it went. The rate fell predictably to
sub-1000 levels, since I'd already made
connections with most of the serious guys,
and now it was time to seek out the casual
guys. Had to stoop to surfing some of the
newbie-populated nets, but even that got
thin after a while. Then I kicked in my
latest trick - the auto-pass. I scanned the
log to identify which stations I needed on
other nodes. The system then launched probes
to the right nodes to tell those stations
that I needed some node-connects from them,
and embedded files with the connection
protocol for the needed nodes with the
probe. All they had to do was acknowledge
and their machine would auto-reroute a real-
time return, and the file would come back to
me, completing a new node-connection! It was
almost like those QSL cards in the old days,
where the card was sent already filled out,
and all the recipient had to do was sign and
mail it. This trick will eventually get
copied, too. But I'm the first to use it -
sort of like the first guy who asked a DX
station to QSY to another band for another
QSO. Soon it'll be common practice. And I'll
have to think up another trick.
I set the machines on autopilot while I
grabbed another nap. Through the night, the
machines searched for new stations, received
return connections from the auto-probes, and
automatically requested multiple node-
connects from each station that replied.
Sure glad the machines don't get bored. I
know I would.
I woke up to a pleasant surprise. The WWV
reports on the spotting machine showed that
the Europian agros had outvoted the urbans,
and there would be rain all day in most of
Europia. That usually means more people
indoors all day, and more connections
available. There was also info from the air
travel reservation system that told me that
several of the top DXpeditioners from the
Northern Europia sectors like EU92 and EU93
(what used to be Finland) had boarded
flights to some of the Atlantian and West
Africano sectors where there hadn't been any
activity yet. My guess was that they were
planning entries in the 6-hour DXpedition
class. The pileups would jam the nets, but
I've figured out how to beat the crowd. I
had auto-probes lurking in the passport-
validation streams of all the landing ports
for these guys' flights. As soon as they got
off the plane and their machines received
the Immigration validation file, my probe
snagged them for a quick 1-file connection
and exchange. By the time they got settled
in to get serious, they found I'd already
contacted them. If I could compress by
another factor of 10, I could have re-routed
the connects to a few more nodes, but I had
I was happy to get the sector on one node
anyway. Lots of other guys wouldn't be able
to break the collisions and get even one
file through with no errors.
The rate to Europia didn't let me down - it
was just about as good as the first day. The
rate meter was hanging in the low 3000s, and
it looked like I would make it to about 95K.
I got a note on the spotting machine that
says the Infotainment programs on the cable
were already predicting me as the winner,
with six hours left to go, and I expected a
reporter to drop by for an interview.
After darkness fell in Europia, the rate
fell precipitously, as people left
interactive mode and went into passive mode
on the 'Tainment wires. With rates falling
to 500/hour, I sent the machines on a final
search-andconnect tour of the low-speed
subnets, occasionally stopping by the main
Web backbone to watch the traffic jams on
the DXpeditioners. A couple of them were
using some kind of auto-select to thin out
the mess, and were actually getting first-
try complete files with no collisions. You
can always tell the good ops by the way they
tailor their software to handle the pileups.
Some of the pileups on the first-timers were
pretty bad, though. You could almost see the
newbies clicking over and over again on the
auto-repeat icon on the MS Contest S&P menu,
even when the DX guy was connected and
sending. Others have adopted that annoying
habit of only signing the last two header
strings instead of the full header. They
just don't understand how much that slows
everyone down.
With an hour to go, I got that rush of
adrenaline again. I took the machines out of
auto mode, and took the controls live
myself. I think only Fred Laun
([email protected]) and I still do this. My
fingers flew over the keyboards as I scanned
the nodes, watching the screens for ragments
of ID strings in the murk. My concentration
sharpened as a handful of new stations
appeared, and I was able to connect,
exchange, and move to another node faster
than the neuralware recognizer could fill in
the missing pieces of the headers. These
machines were good, but even their fastest
rules-based algorithms were still no match
for the human inference machine between my
ears. The rate meter actually began to climb
as I launched auto-probes to some of the
Pan-Pacific satellite nodes, and began to
get replies and node-hop requests. The
spotting machine beeped, and when I looked
over, I saw a note that I'd have to supply a
urine specimen for stimulant-screening
before my score would be accepted. When I
went to full-manual mode and the rate went
up the machine detected it. The machine
figures any rate over 1500 in manual mode
must be chemically-enhanced, and I've
entered in the unenhanced category. This
flag is kind of a nuisance, because I've
done over 2500 in manual mode several times,
but I can't shut the warning off or I'll get
hit with disqualification and a 5,000 credit
fine for the first offense. I stood up,
walked over to the spotting machine, and
delivered the required specimen in real-time
to the analyzer port. Any delay would have
been interpreted as fraud. Then it was back
to the 'boards for another 15 minutes of
furious connecting.
When it was over my preliminary final score
was 95,315 connections and 2560 sector-
nodes, for a final score of just over 683
Meg. Once the files were scanned for
accuracy, that'd come down a bit, but the
raw integrity rating looked to be in the
99.7% range so I didn't expect to lose much.
A bit short of the record from last year,
but darned good considering the conditions.
The claimed scores jumped onto the screen as
all the major competitors accessed the so-
called "3830 page". My machine logged
them all in, and ordered them, with raw and
projected final scores. A few minutes later,
the doorbell rang, and the reporter was
there, as expected. By the time I showed her
to the shack, the scores had been validated.
I had won.
Just for kicks, I sent the spotting machine
to the 'Tainment net, and downloaded the
whole interview. It was the usual stuff -
the reporter played back some of the screens
they had observed at Network Central
Control and asked a few questions about how
I thought up the software hacks. When the
interview went interactive, all the usual
questions were there from the first-timers:
"How did you learn to program the real-time
decompressor?"; "How did you know when it
was time to jump nodes?"; "How can I compete
with guys like you when I only have one
machine and a lousy 64kb/s access port?";
"Don't you think there should be a 24-hour
category for those of us who aren't able to
go the full 48?" and all the rest. I
patiently responded that most of the skill
is developed over years of experience, and I
didn't win my first contest either. Then I
pointed out that my own equipment is pretty
modest, and operating skill and knowledge of
the code (the software code, that is) can
overcome a lot of hardware shortcomings. But
as usual, most people were tuning out by
then, since most people don't want to hear
old-timers like me talk about using hard
work to achieve success.
Hopefully, a few of them were still watching
when the reporter handed me the ceremonial
check for 10,000 credits. Then the spotting
machine task-switched to personal account
mode, and reported that my account was at
that exact second acknowledging receipt of
10,000 credits. And within seconds, several
screens appeared from IBMwood, SonYaesu, and
others soliciting me to buy their new hot
boxes. But I think I'll rest until the
next contest and use the same old machines.
I've grown attached to them, and I'm afraid
I won't have the feel of any new machine
before next weekend's Sprint. That event is
so short, and accuracy is so crucial that
you just can't compete with an unfamiliar
machine. But that new IBMwood with the
Intelrola Hexadecium(tm) processor array
sure would make my decompressor sing...
See you on the wire
Reflections on the ~2005~ CQWWW Contest
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