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Contesting Online Survey

Survey Question Current Survey Question

Do you plan to enter the CQ WW DX Contest?

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Recently the RDXC committee reclassified P3F to high power from low power without publicly providing strong evidence that any infraction had occurred. They concluded was that the contestant was running HP on 80/40m but not full-time, just 10 minutes here and there without any convincing evidence. It appears they used the RBN as their source of information. Should the RXDC contest have to publicly provide convincing evidence before reclassifying a station from LP to HP?

Randy, K5ZD, wrote a sidebar titled " Convergence and Change" in the 2015 CQWW CW printed results in CQ magazine. He wrote that the "convergence of personal computers, Internet access, DX clusters, and CW Skimmer have changed the nature of CW contesting". He goes to say that it is "more difficult to police the line between the single operator working alone and those who are using the assistance of DX spotting." In light of this convergence and change is it time to recombine SO and SOA into a single category?

What's your primary Software for HF Contests ? ( no VHF/UHF ! )

Are you ready the this year's winter contest season

What ways have you found to be effective to attract newcomers to our hobby?

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Recently the RDXC committee reclassified P3F to high power from low power without publicly providing strong evidence that any infraction had occurred. They concluded was that the contestant was running HP on 80/40m but not full-time, just 10 minutes here and there without any convincing evidence. It appears they used the RBN as their source of information. Should the RXDC contest have to publicly provide convincing evidence before reclassifying a station from LP to HP?
  Posted: Oct 27, 2021   (356 votes, 21 comments) by VE5ZX

  Yes - boycott RDXC until it does
  Yes - boycott and drop from WRTC until it does
  Don't known
  Don't care
    (356 votes, 21 comments)
Survey Results
Yes. 31% (109)
Yes - boycott RDXC until it does 2% (7)
Yes - boycott and drop from WRTC until it does 18% (65)
No 34% (120)
Don't known 5% (17)
Don't care 11% (38)

Survey Comments
One case
This is one case. Now I am willing to give some people who put great effort into putting on and managing a contest a lot of credit for effort. And this is one case which is being disputed. I would be more than willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Now if there ended up being 10+ or more cases of questionable changes, then I think a fact based discussion would be in order. In part because of what is mentioned here. But also if there are that many problems ---- why?

Posted by kb9lgs on October 1, 2021


Posted by parsonsdavidkait on October 3, 2019

K3BU for President! Also Propagation?

Posted by k2pm on November 17, 2018

respect rules!
The contests committees should exclude all
the people that use irregular power. Before,
there were spare contest teams using
professional amps with 5- 10- 15 kw. Now
there are lot of contester using the 4kw amps
(OM Power).
Please stop pirate powers on qro or low power

Posted by IK4EWX on December 26, 2017

respect rules!

Posted by IK4EWX on December 26, 2017

Dont know
You would need accurate time stamped data from multiple RBN sites all with synchronized clocks , to prove this satisfactorily . If SNR goes up the same amount at all sites at the exact same time then its most likely due to pwr increase. taking data on a nearby station at the same sites would help to rule out propagation anomally.

Posted by ae5gt on October 11, 2017

The answer is in the rules
In the rules for RDXC 2016, as well as in
the the rules for 2017, point 16.1 says:

16.1 RDXC Contest Committee decisions are

My dear Amateur Radio friends. This is the
deal. The Contest Committee of RDXC is
calling the shots. If You like it, You
enter the contest. If You do not like it,
You do not enter the contest.

Being in a Contest Committee means a lot of
unpaid work meaning that You have to be
quite enthusiastic about it. Surely the
Contest Committe would not on purpose harm
the contest. If they take drastic measures,
they must themselves believe, that it was

However a Contest Committe consists of
ordinary people, that can make mistakes.
They could have made the right or wrong
decision, but they did not do it for fun.
However somebody has to decide and in this
case the RDXC Contest Committee had to do
the decision.

If I were a member of the P3F, I would take
special measures to prove in the next RDXC,
that the team is clean. I would carry out
all amps from the shack, ask inpartial
observers to supervise the entire contest
an have web linked cameras on the power
meters during the entire contest.
Afterwards RBN reports could be analyzed.
If the these readings were to be the same
as in 2016, the team would have made a

Lastly one should not forget, that
contesting is only a hobby or radio sport
if You so like. It is not a matter of life
and death. Contesting is supposed to be
jolly good, great fun!

73 de SM5SIC Göran, SM5S in contest.

Posted by SM5SIC on March 15, 2017

The prop on 40, 80 and 160 changes a lot. Just tonight I was working some DX on 40 and 80. There were times the band would change and the DX was in the noise. At other times the DX police couldn't cover them up. It strange, it's sort of like Faraday rotation moon bounce. It was before I read this but thinking back the changes in propitiation was around 5 to 10 minutes.

Posted by n5kda on March 11, 2017

From the RBN site
An important note on interpreting the SNR data
the RBN reports SNR rather than absolute signal strength, because every RBN station's antennas and receiving environment are different. In addition, QSB can affect the reported SNR a great deal, even with only a few seconds between spots. These graphs should be read as a whole, as an indicator of comparative signal strengths over time, rather than on the basis of any single pair of data points.

Posted by n5kda on March 11, 2017

The prop on 40, 80 and 160 changes a lot. Just tonight I was working some DX on 40 and 80. There were times the band would change and the DX was in the noise. At other times the DX police couldn't cover them up. It strange, it's sort of like Faraday rotation moon bounce. It was before I read this but thinking back the changes in propitiation was around 5 to 10 minutes.

Posted by n5kda on March 11, 2017

squealing pigs
> If those 30 guys were to find themselves re-classified
or DQ'd they would be squealing louder than stuck pigs.

Hilarious! P3F's supporters call him a squealing pig.

Posted by la4vkk on November 21, 2016

Sadly the RDXC adjudication process has no credibility whatsoever and therefore the results from the 2016 contest should NOT count for WRTC qualification.

Posted by G3WW on October 10, 2016

"V chuzhoy monastyr so svoim ustavom nelzya!"

Resheniya sudebnoy komissii okonchatelny.

Posted by LZ1FJ on October 10, 2016

Survey Surprise.
After completing the survey just now I am amazed to see there are 30 guys who have answered 'No'
Those guys are obviously not cheaters but support taking a hard line with suspects, but what in their minds constitutes fair play when evidence is insufficient as is clearly the case in the P3F decision by RDXC?.
If those 30 guys were to find themselves re-classified or DQ'd they would be squealing louder than stuck pigs. Imagine yourselves in the other guys shoes were it yourself being labelled a cheat without convincing evidence to back up the charge.

Posted by g4odv on October 10, 2016

Shame on RDXC
RDXC's actions on P3F are without technical
merit or basis, and obviously prejudicial in
favor of another competitor. Use of RBN data to
support allegations of power cheating would
require knowledge of what transmitting antennas
were in use at specific times at all stations
being compared, receiving antennas at reporting
stations, and the averaging a very large number
of spots WITH that knowledge.

Posted by k9yc on October 10, 2016

Why is Russian contest playing any part in an
AMERICAN competition is beyond me. I don't care if P3F
cheated or not. Russians can not be trusted with
anything, let alone running a contest. But letting them
influence an American competition is just plain stupid.

Posted by K7USA on October 10, 2016

Shame on RDXC
RDXC just disqualified themselves from running contest. Interpreting directional antennas signal levels change as "cheating" by power is ridiculous and speaks of ignorance of RDXC sponsors and damage to reputation of veteran contester.
Quo Vadis Contesting?

Posted by K3BU on October 10, 2016

Bad for Contesting
The way the RDXC is run is bad for contesting. Discouraging working casuals and "fishy" judging with conflicts of interest. It should be noted that they have not provided even privately to the accused a reasonable case for this action.

When the inventors of RBN state that the system is not usable in the way they are using it, and they ignore it, it speaks volumes as to whats really going on.

Posted by N1UR on October 10, 2016

We do not need RDXC results in WRTC. Why is it there in
the first place?

Posted by N1USA on October 10, 2016

There is no way that you can determine output power from RBN data. NONE. Even less to make a statement that it was being done 10 minutes here or there.

Posted by W0MU on October 9, 2016

P3F should be DQ!
Finally they try stop CHEATER

Posted by n2tta on October 9, 2016

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